Owned by xtnr2.wam
Rarity Rank #4510
Score 161.81
Rarity: Common
White (10.27%)
549 / 5347
Score: 9.74
Black (10.30%)
551 / 5347
Score: 9.70
Silver (25.38%)
1357 / 5347
Score: 3.94
Horns (7.85%)
420 / 5347
Score: 12.73
2x Gold Hoop (10.75%)
575 / 5347
Score: 9.30
1x Silver Hoop (18.42%)
985 / 5347
Score: 5.43
Rolling (16.81%)
899 / 5347
Score: 5.95
Strokes - White (5.01%)
268 / 5347
Score: 19.95
Barbarian (51.19%)
2737 / 5347
Score: 1.95
none (61.94%)
3312 / 5347
Score: 1.61
Mohawk - Ginger (3.35%)
179 / 5347
Score: 29.87
Medium (32.90%)
1759 / 5347
Score: 3.04
Bow and Arrows - Red (2.21%)
118 / 5347
Score: 45.31
12 (30.56%)
1634 / 5347
Score: 3.27
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