Owned by bd2si.wam
Rarity Rank #858
Score 452.07
Rarity: Epic
Centuryverse Legendary (0.73%)
61 / 8355
Score: 136.75
Black and White Stripes (2.93%)
245 / 8355
Score: 34.05
Cyan (4.49%)
375 / 8355
Score: 22.25
none (33.12%)
2767 / 8355
Score: 3.01
Brown Cowboy Hat (0.54%)
45 / 8355
Score: 185.38
Blue (3.00%)
251 / 8355
Score: 33.24
White (56.71%)
4738 / 8355
Score: 1.76
none (77.14%)
6445 / 8355
Score: 1.29
1 (99.84%)
8342 / 8355
Score: 1.00
Red Cross Necklace (3.24%)
271 / 8355
Score: 30.78
none (98.71%)
8247 / 8355
Score: 1.01
8 (39.22%)
3277 / 8355
Score: 2.55
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