Owned by waxlord.gm
Rarity Rank #30
Score 1414.80
Rarity: Mythic
Centuryverse Legendary (0.73%)
61 / 8367
Score: 137.00
White and Green Checkered (2.28%)
191 / 8367
Score: 43.75
Byronian Eyes (1.15%)
96 / 8367
Score: 87.05
Zorro Mask (12.79%)
1070 / 8367
Score: 7.81
Police Hat (0.99%)
83 / 8367
Score: 100.69
Brass (4.53%)
379 / 8367
Score: 22.05
Green (4.15%)
347 / 8367
Score: 24.08
Ice Elemental (2.50%)
209 / 8367
Score: 39.99
1 (99.88%)
8357 / 8367
Score: 1.00
none (51.45%)
4305 / 8367
Score: 1.94
Turquoise (0.11%)
9 / 8367
Score: 928.56
10 (4.57%)
382 / 8367
Score: 21.88
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